Recruiting Resources for Small Businesses
in Northwest Arkansas
At Comprehensive Consulting Solutions for Small Businesses, we work with several clients on their recruiting strategies from the planning stage to execution. We have noticed that some small business owners are not aware of the information, resources, and tools available to help them find talent.
Another note worth mentioning is that many business owners haven’t really defined the role of the new hire. The business owner knows capacity has been exceeded and a new employee is needed however, they may not have written a job description or compensation structure, so how can they even write a job ad?
Recruiting is hard enough – not having the basics will only make it harder.
When a small business is looking for talent – we recommend:
Writing a job description with detailed steps of what the responsibilities of the employee listed and expectations of the position
Use the job description to write the job ad. The wording of a job ad is important – it helps the job sites know when it should show in searches
Building a Compensation Structure – how is the employee paid? Not just compensation – Pay, commission, bonuses, paid time off, health insurance, retirement, HSA, etc
Creating Daily or Weekly checklists – for task completion and measurement
Compiling Job Aids or Process Flows for job responsibilities
Revising the Employee Handbook (if have employees) or Independent Contractor Agreement (if work with independent contractors)
Creating a Privacy Policy and/or Confidentiality Statement
Writing a list of interview questions for applicants (pre-screen and in-person interview), which include situational questions and activities
Outlining onboarding steps and training needed + performance measurement
We also recommend that our consulting and coaching clients, utilize a couple of free sites in combination with paid recruiting ads to find the right talent. Some businesses we have worked with only used free job ad sites, but that is not the norm.
The specifics of the position, pay, responsibilities, etc will help determine the appropriate recruiting strategies and how to find the right talent.
As we said – the right talent, which means someone that can do the job, meets the requirements, fits in with the culture, and more. The right talent is found with a sound plan and process – we must ask the right questions to identify the right talent and look in the right places.
This is why the basics must be detailed first – so we know the right talent when we speak to them.
If your business needs help developing a plan to find the right talent or writing or revising your recruiting basics, call a Small Business Consultant at 479-935-2488. Comprehensive Consulting Solutions for Small Businesses can help you devise, implement, and execute your recruiting plan to find the right talent. In the meantime, here are a few blog posts that you may find useful, resources for posting jobs, and finding talent for your small business.
Other Blog Articles That You May Find Helpful:
Small Business Resources for Recruiting:
Please note: the resources listed above aren’t endorsements by us – they are provided only as information. We were not paid by or affiliated with any of the companies listed.
Comprehensive Consulting Solutions for Small Businesses offers business consulting and coaching solutions for operational efficiencies, profit growth, marketing, recruiting, sales, retention, processes, and more.